When it comes to things that most patients would prefer not to hear from their dentist, tooth extractions usually wind up pretty high on the list. Of course, your dentist will ensure that every aspect of the tooth extraction is completely painless; if anything, the procedure will probably be a serious relief!
In fact, there are quite a few circumstances where tooth extraction is the best, least painful option. Here are a few examples, and why tooth extractions are the best options in these circumstances.
Deep Infection
One of the most common reasons your dentist could recommend removing a tooth is because of an infection that can’t be treated by a filling or root canal. If you have a tooth that’s become infected to this extent, it’s probably deeply uncomfortable, which makes extractions much more welcome than in other circumstances.
Potential Infection
Even if an infection isn’t incredibly severe, there are some situations where a dentist would recommend extraction due to the potential of serious gum disease developing.
This is most often the case in scenarios where the patient is immunocompromised and waiting for a disease to set in could lead to serious complications. In these cases, your dentist may preempt gum disease and decay by just removing a tooth that could become a problem.
Crowded Teeth
Often when patients see their dentist regarding orthodontic treatment, their teeth being crooked is actually a result of crowding, i.e., too many teeth being pushed together. As a result, it’s not uncommon for patients to need to have select teeth removed before they get braces.
What is Extraction Like?
If you are in one of the above situations, you may be a little bit nervous about the prospect of having a tooth removed. Thankfully, you won’t be feeling much of anything in your mouth during the procedure; one of the first things your dentist will do is to completely numb your mouth before the removal process.
They’ll then use forceps to remove your tooth, slowly wiggling it out of place so as not to deal serious damage. They’ll then place a piece of gauze on the wound until it heals.
In a way, the procedure is remarkably simple. It involves no pain and can ease the serious discomfort you may be feeling. If your dentist tells you that you need one, you should be relieved, not scared!
About Our Practice
At Bruner Dental, we’re happy to have created an environment where people can get the highest quality of dental care and feel completely comfortable while they do. We make use of advanced technology to ensure that every one of our patients is getting the level of personalized oral healthcare that they deserve.
If you have any questions about why you may need a tooth extraction, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (765) 613-3128.