Imagine you are playing basketball with some friends. The player you’re guarding suddenly turns and elbows you in the mouth as they take a shot. It hurts, and you feel that one of your teeth is severely chipped. Uh-oh, you have a dental emergency! What would you do in that situation? Although you can’t plan when or how a dental emergency will happen, you can plan how you and your family will respond. Check out this helpful advice from your emergency dentist in Marion. (more…)
What to Do in a Dental Emergency from an Emergency Dentist in Marion
January 5, 2019
Your Children’s Dentist in Marion Gives 4 Holiday Oral Health Tips!
November 25, 2018
Once again, the holiday season is upon us, which means delectable treats are in abundance, and your kids are eager to indulge in them. Where does that leave their oral health, though? Is there a way to allow them to enjoy the season’s delights without letting their oral health go to waste? Your children’s dentist in Marion says by following 4 simple steps, you can protect their mouth, teeth and gums without denying them the joyous delights of the holiday season.
Fix Your Smile and Maintain Your Dignity with Invisalign in Marion!
October 29, 2018
According to recent statistics, over a third of the people you meet for the first time will notice the condition of your teeth before anything else. That means someone could make a false assessment of your character because of your smile flaws. You want to improve the look of your ivories, but you’re no fan of wearing metal braces and drawing even more negative attention to your teeth. Your cosmetic dentist has a solution – Invisalign in Marion! Learn about this amazing process as you read on!
How Teeth Whitening in Marion Compliments Your Summer Look
June 5, 2018
There are few activities more fun than playing sports on the beach and taking photos with your friends and family while you do it. While you’re excited to get your tan and look truly summer, you can make your skin pop even more by pursuing teeth whitening treatments in Marion, regardless of your vacation schedule!
To learn how your dentist can make your teeth several shades whiter both at the practice and while you’re on the go, keep reading!
Orthodontist in Marion has Tips for Ortho-Appliance Care
April 23, 2018
When undergoing an orthodontic treatment, you are well on your way to a healthier, more attractive smile. To promote the results of your treatment, it is best to take the time to care for your oral appliance every day. No matter if it is fixed or removable, your orthodontist in Marion will recommend that you clean it properly. This will not only help to protect it from damage, but also to keep your teeth and gums healthy while on your journey to an improved smile.
How Your Orthodontist in Marion Helps Children and Adults
March 5, 2018
As a parent, you want to help your child have the best oral health possible. But did you know that when it comes to orthodontics, it’s not too late to get issues you’ve wanted solved as well? Thanks to the many options from your orthodontist in Marion, both of you can benefit from the world of orthodontics. Not only can your smiles look better, but they’ll be healthier as a result.
As it turns out, many older patients are coming back to the orthodontist to fix misalignments in their smile as well as improper bites. Keep reading to learn how orthodontics do more than just fix the look of your smile.
Pick a Dentist in Huntington That’s Committed to Excellence!
February 21, 2018
If you’re looking for a new dentist in Huntington, the best way to make your search easier is to find a dentist that stands out from the rest that are available in your neighborhood. You need a practice that pays close attention to your needs, always uses the most advanced technology, and ultimately respects and values your time. Learn more about why you should consider choosing our local practice to call your dental home compared to your other local options in this week’s blog post.
Create Your Dental Resolution with Your Dentist in Marion!
January 5, 2018
At the beginning of every new year, it’s worth setting a goal for yourself to achieve by the time you’re watching the ball drop on New Year’s Eve once again. Whether you’re trying to improve your self or volunteer to help those around you, it’s a great tradition people across the country embrace. So, for this year, why not focus on improving your oral health and smile?
With help from your dentist in Marion, making a resolution is as simple as taking a moment to read an article. Let 2018 be the year you make a positive change for your smile.
Visit Your Cosmetic Dentist in Marion Before Your Benefits Expire
October 6, 2017
As the year comes to an end, you are busy planning family festivities and holiday events. The last thing on your mind is your dental insurance. However, if you have not visited your cosmetic dentist in Marion this year, now is time to schedule an appointment. Before the new year starts, it is the perfect time to use your dental insurance to get healthy, beautiful teeth and gums. Before you become too busy with holiday gatherings, take the time to use your benefits for a flawless smile.
Am I Ready to Receive Stable Dental Implants in Marion?
August 11, 2017
Although teeth are built to last a lifetime, there are several ways patients lose teeth. They could not have kept up their dental hygiene routine at home or even suffered a traumatic dental accident. Despite how a patient may have lost their teeth, dental implants are a way to help patients restore their smile and their quality of life. If you’ve lost a tooth or even several, you can feel your self-confidence slipping away. Dental implants in Marion work wonders regarding your confidence and help improve your health at the same time. Let’s take some time to explore the perfect patients for dental implants and what you can do to prepare yourself to receive your new, permanent teeth.